

Promotion of Human Rights for the Grassroots Women

Workshop, seminar and meeting; Advocacy; Developing local capacity, Awareness raising and campaign; Building networks and alliances; Investigation; Documentation and Publication.

Promotion of Human Rights and Women’s Participation in Democratic Process

Workshop, Seminar, Meeting and Rally; Advocating for more targeted approach. Training for Local  Elected Bodies, Upazila and District Administration; Networking with UP Members; Staff development;  BRAC  school model; Never   enrolled or  drop-out children; Positive gender  ratio;  Documentation, Research and Publication.




Prevention of Child Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children


Information collection and dissemination; Awareness raising and campaign; Rescue and repatriation; Shelter Home management; Reintegration and follow-up; Networking with GOs and NGOs; Advocacy; Staff development.

Appropriate re- sources for  Improving Street Children Environment-ARISE

Awareness raising;  Non-formal Education; Vocational Training; Running Drop-in-Center and Night Home; Providing Legal  Aid; Proving Health Services; Job Placement; Networking with GOs  and NGOs.


Awareness Building Programme Against Child Trafficking


Training workshop on   awareness raising; Participation in   Upazila level   task force meeting.

Protection and Promotion of Rights of Adolescents in Prostitution

Training with Adolescent Peer educators, DSS, Hotel Management;  Orientation  of  Peer Educators,  Hotel management  and  Law Enforcing  Agencies; Awareness  building session  with adolescents  in   the  hotels; Exchange visit   with the like  minded  NGOs; Co-operation, networking and alliances.

Capacity Building for  Combating Trafficking in Women and Children

Training and  sharing  conceptual clarity regarding trafficking with LEB;  Educational meeting with teachers  and  journalists; Meeting with  Imam  and  social  leaders; Forming Counter Trafficking Committee.

Village Farm and
Forestry Project

Formation of Upazila level   Nursery Malik Samity (NMS); Exchange visit of NMS; Formation of tree farmer group (TFG); Staff development; Action research and IEC materials development.

Strengthening Household Access to Bari Gardening Extension SHABGE

Season long training for staff; Nursery establishment training; Summer vegetable seed production and research; Entrepreneur – ship development; Farmers field school.